8 IT Band Stretches and Exercises to Help Relieve Outer Knee Pain
There’s nothing fun about that stabbing pain outside your knee caused by iliotibial band syndrome. The good news though? Doing IT band stretches and strengthening exercises can provide much-needed relief.
Q&A: Common calf muscle injuries in runners over 40
Calf muscle injuries are among the most common for runners over 40, particularly men. This type of soft tissue injury can heal, but it is going to take time. For younger runners, recovering from a calf muscle injury usually takes about six to eight weeks.
Females more likely to develop adhesive capsulitis
Data showed that women develop adhesive capsulitis at a faster rate than men and that there are risk factors unique to women. Female athletes are also more likely to experience traumatic shoulder instability than male athletes.
Study finds schoolchildren who exercise perform better academically
While there are well-known benefits of regular physical exercise on physical, mental and cognitive health for people of any age, there was no conclusive evidence confirming whether regular physical exercise could improve people's intelligence to date.
Total shoulder arthroplasty vs hemiarthroplasty in patients with primary glenohumeral arthritis with intact rotator cuff: Meta-analysis using the ratio of means
About half of patients who underwent 6 months of nonoperative management for isolated posterior glenohumeral instability required arthroscopic stabilization, according to a presentation.
Mayo Clinic Q and A: Help with sports injuries
Young athletes get plenty of bumps and bruises, but how can they avoid injuries? Any advice on how long they should sit out before getting back on the field or in the game?
Athletes vs. Nonathletes: Who does better after hip arthroscopy?
Athletes over the age of 40 have better outcomes after primary hip arthroscopy than nonathletes of the same age, according to new research.
Isolated MPFL reconstruction yielded low recurrent instability, high return to sport rates
Patients who underwent isolated medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction maintained outcomes at 5 years with low recurrent instability rates and high return to sport rates, according to results presented here.
About half of nonsurgically managed posterior glenohumeral instability cases failed
About half of patients who underwent 6 months of nonoperative management for isolated posterior glenohumeral instability required arthroscopic stabilization, according to a presentation.
Cycling knee pain: What to know
Many cycling injuries occur due to overuse of the joints of the lower body, especially the knees.